

Hollenstein, T., Leve, L. D., Scaramella, L., Milfort, R. & Neiderhiser, J. (2003). Openness in adoption, knowledge of birthparent health history, and adoptive family adjustment. Adoption Quarterly, 7, 43–52.


Abstract: Ninety families with a non-relative, adopted infant were assessed shortly after placement (Time 1) and approximately 18 months later (Time 2). The results indicated that over 2/3s of the adoptive parents did not desire to change the level of openness in their adoption at Time 2, and the desire to change the level of openness was unrelated to the current level of openness. Parents who wished to change the level of openness were more likely to report a lack of marital happiness, depression, difficulty in raising the child, and a desire for more information about the birthfather. Adoptive parents reported that the information they had about the birthparents positively influenced their perceptions of the birthparents. Implications for practitioners are discussed.